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Kids with Capes

Dress-up Collection Challenge

Last Step: Donate to other Organizations

We researched other Non-profits in our area. For this challenge we were looking for children organizations. We found 2 that fit us perfectly. 

The first was a local Toy Drive, Rockwall County Helping Hands, when we volunteered with the organization previously we remembered a lot of the families when they came "shopping" were looking for princess or super hero outfits.  The new outfits were packaged up and dropped off there.


The second non-profit is a new one that is starting in our area, Qavah the Storehouse. They support children in foster care, youth aging out, children "at risk" of removal, those affected by commercial exploitation and all their caregiving families. They are working on starting a program to provide costumes to kids for Halloween and/or birthday parties.


With the great support from our community we were able to donate 15 items to the Rockwall County Helping Hands Toy Drive and 30 items to Qavah. Because Rockwall County Girl Scouts assisted us in this collection drive we were able to have a positive impact on 4 organizations with this 1 challenge! After you complete the challenge in your community we would love to hear from you. 

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